Sunday, January 25, 2009

Weekly Catch Up

It's been a busy week, so there are a lot of photos to catch up on...
Ainsley loves dress up! Here she is as Tinkerbelle...

Grandpa gave her this dog that she has named Blackie. He has been going everywhere with her for the last few weeks.

Ainsley doing some stamping- spelling out her name. (Thanks for the stamps Aunt Carrie!)

Allie took a ride in her stroller without the car seat carrier for the first time. Boy did she enjoy facing the right direction when she was moving.

Sitting in the Bumbo. We are wondering if she is starting to get some teeth. Her hands have to be in her mouth all the time.

And last but not least, so cutie patootie pictures that Julie took of AllieGator at Miley and Irelyn's birthday party yesterday. It is hard to believe that the girls are one!!!

Monday, January 19, 2009


A HUGE thanks to Julie who took pictures of the girls today, they turned out fabulous!

Allie in the bear hat

Ainsley with her sucker

The cutie pies...

Our beautiful girls!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

We've got a roll

Allie's newest trick this week!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Could they be any cuter?

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Roller skating on a Saturday afternoon

Skating in her dance clothes :)

uh oh...

and playing on the Wii Fit!

Watering the flowers

A solution for tummy time! The boppy :)

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Better late then never...

I have been meaning to post this video of Ainsley singing Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. :) Not the greatest quality since it was just taken with my camera, but you get the cuteness...

She's Crafty

All day long I hear the same thing... "Can I do a project now?" Ainsley loves craft projects. Her wonderful Poodle got her a tote filled with crafty stuff for Christmas and she loves it. Last night we made a kitty cat. She did so great with the glue. I was impressed!

And the finished product...

Friday, January 2, 2009


Ask Ainsley what she wants for breakfast and it is always the same thing... Mickey pancakes! A few months ago I made these for her for the first time as a treat. Who would have known that we'd be eating them nearly every day!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

The Girls

I decided to start off the year with a picture of the girls together. Good grief that is no easy task. I have such respect for childrens photographers- to get them both looking the same direction and not making a wierd face is nearly impossible! Ainsley was so afraid Allie was going to spit up on her that she was freaking out and giving fake smiles. When the moment of spit up did arrive, she bailed off the couch lightning fast. Wish I had a picture, but I had to jump to catch poor Allie before she fell off the couch!

and a fun one of them watching Wow Wow Wubsy together

So far so blue

I've been asked a lot lately what color Allie's eyes are. So far they are blue!! Not as sparkling blue as Ainsley's, but more of a deep blue. Yea for blue eyed girls!